7 Common Scalp Issues & Solutions
Common Scalp Issues
The scalp is a sensitive area of the body, and it's important to take good care of it. Using the right products and techniques can help you keep your scalp healthy and looking its best. This guide will walk you through some common issues that affect your hairline, like dryness, flaking, and more. We'll also go over how to deal with them so they don't become a serious problem in the future!
Dry Scalp
Dry scalp is a common issue that can be caused by over-shopping, using harsh products, or from weather conditions. If you have dry scalp and want to know how to treat it, there are several things you can do.
First of all, you should use a deep conditioner on your hair at least once per week (or every other week if needed). This will help moisturize the strands and make them feel softer. You could also try massaging your scalp with olive oil before washing; this will help prevent dryness as well as promote healthy hair growth by opening up pores in the skin so they can breathe easier while promoting circulation in general!
Clogged Pores
Clogged pores are a common issue for many people, and they can be caused by many different things. There are many ways to prevent this from happening, including using a gentle exfoliator on your scalp at least once a week. If you do have clogged pores on your scalp, try using an oil-free cleanser or shampoo to help clear them out. If these methods don't work for you and the problem persists, see a dermatologist who may prescribe an Rx medication that can help clear up the issue more quickly than over-the-counter products (though they might cost more).
Build-up is a common scalp issue that can be caused by excess sebum, dead skin cells and natural oils. If you notice your hair looking dull or feeling greasy, it's likely that you have build-up.
To fix this problem:
- Use a clarifying shampoo once or twice a week to remove excess product buildup from your scalp and hair.
- Use products designed for dry or fragile hair as they contain no oils that could clog the pores of your follicles (and cause more buildup).
Working Out
You should wash your hair before working out, not after.
If you're a runner or do some kind of physical activity that causes sweat to build up in your hair, it's best to wash it beforehand so that the sweat doesn't get trapped in your roots and cause them to become dry and flaky. If you can't avoid doing this on occasion--say, if you have a long run planned for early in the morning--make sure to use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner afterward so as not to exacerbate any damage done by all those hours spent out in the sun or rain (or snow).
Weaves and Wigs
You can clean your weave or wig by using a gentle shampoo and warm water. Be careful not to rub too hard, as this can cause hair loss. You should also avoid letting the hair dry out in the sun or air-dry it with a towel, as this could lead to tangling and breakage. If necessary, use a brush made specifically for wigs that has natural boar bristles and very soft nylon tips (this kind of brush will not damage the synthetic fibers).
Itchy Scalp
It's common for people to experience itchiness on their scalp. This can be caused by dandruff, eczema and seborrheic dermatitis. The best way to treat itchy scalp is with a shampoo that contains salicylic acid or coal tar extract. You should also avoid using styling products that contain alcohol as they can make your skin dry and irritated. If you don't want to use these products regularly, try applying baby powder or cornstarch after washing your hair - this will help absorb excess moisture from your locks so they aren't as greasy looking!
The most common cause of an itchy scalp is dandruff; however if you're experiencing other symptoms such as redness or flaking then it could be something else entirely (like eczema). You should visit your doctor if these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks because treatment options vary depending upon what exactly is causing them."
Flaking Scalp
You may be experiencing a flaking scalp if your skin is itchy and peeling off, especially in the back of your head.
Flaking can be caused by dry skin, dandruff, eczema and psoriasis. But if you have seborrheic dermatitis (a common condition that causes redness on the face) or psoriasis - a chronic skin disease characterized by patches of red scaly skin that often itch - then you might also have flaky patches on the scalp as well!
Scalp Scrub
Scrubbing your scalp can help remove dirt and oil from the skin. It also helps prevent dry scalp. Scrubbing gently with a washcloth, sponge or loofah once or twice a week is all you need to do for healthy hair.
Don't scrub too hard or too often though--it can damage the follicles that produce new hair and cause irritation. And never use brushes on wet hair!
Prepoos are an excellent way to condition your hair and prepare it for cleansing. They can be done on wet or dry hair, depending on your preference. Prepoos should be done at least once a week (and up to 3 times per week), depending on how often you shampoo or cleanse your scalp.
The first step in this process is choosing the right cleanser or product for your needs. If you're looking for something gentle and mild, try something like our Cleansing Conditioner--it's made with all-natural ingredients like aloe vera juice and rosemary extract that help keep hair soft while removing buildup from styling products without stripping away its natural oils. For more intense treatment options like deep conditioning masks or intensive moisturizers, check out our full line of products here!
Scalp Massage
Scalp massage is a great way to keep your hair healthy and strong. It's easy to do at home, and it can help prevent scalp issues like dandruff, dryness, itchiness and flaking.
To do a scalp massage:
- With a clean towel or washcloth in hand, gently rub your fingertips over the surface of your scalp in small circles from front (forehead) to back (neck). Feel for any bumps or thickened areas--these are likely signs of clogged pores that need to be cleared out by massaging them with oil or other products designed specifically for this purpose (we'll get into those later).
- If you're feeling adventurous enough after doing this once or twice per week for several weeks straight without any negative side effects (like redness or irritation), try moving on up into more advanced techniques like using hot towels instead of cold ones when washing hair; using an electric toothbrush instead of manual one; using actual scalp massagers; manual or electric.
So, what can you do if you have a dry scalp or clogged pores? First, you should always keep your hair clean. It's important to wash it regularly with products that are designed for the scalp and hair. Second, make sure that your diet is rich in vitamin A (such as carrots), C (like citrus fruits) and E (like nuts). Finally, remember that stress levels play an important role in how well our bodies function; so try doing some yoga or meditation every day!